The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut serves more communities than any other community foundation in Connecticut – covering more than one-third of the entire state.
Introduction to Estate and Gift Taxes, Internal Revenue Service
- Wealth in Families by Charles Collier
- Values-Based Estate Planning by Scott Fithian
- How to Say it to Seniors by David Solie
- Inspired Philanthropy: Your Step by Step Guide to Creating a Giving Plan by Tracy Gary
- The Giving Family: Raising our Children to Help Others by Susan Crites Price
- The Millionaire Next Door by Thomas Stanley and William Danko
- Giving: Philanthropy for Everyone: Practical Answers from America’s Foremost Charitable Planning Authorities by Robert Esperti, Renno Peterson & Eden Rose Brown
- The Soul of Money by Lynn Twist
- Money and the Meaning of Life by Jacob Neeleman
Links of Interest
You are welcome to peruse these links to other organizations’ websites that provide additional information.
- American Bar Association
- American College of Trust and Estate Counsel
- American Council on Gift Annuities
- American Institute of Philanthropy
- Charity Navigator
- Chronicle of Philanthropy
- Community Foundations of America
- Connecticut Association of Nonprofits
- Connecticut Council for Philanthropy
- Council on Foundations
- Estate & Tax Planning Council of Eastern CT
- The Foundation Center
- Guidestar
- National Committee on Planned Giving
- Planned Giving Design Center
- Trusts & Estates
- Women’s Philanthropic Institute
Allow us to assist you!
Whether you are new to philanthropy or looking to do more through your giving, we can help you have a meaningful impact on the issues and communities that you care about. Please contact us for a confidential conversation.

Contact Lauren C. Parda, Director of Development