We currently steward over 600 permanent and "pass through" charitable funds on behalf of area donors, totaling over $120 million in assets.
"We are so pleased that our fund at the Community Foundation is under the care of a committee of local citizens, who are knowledgeable about investments, and who appoint and monitor experienced professional managers. We are confident our fund will continue to grow and benefit the community well into the future. It's in good hands."
- Isabelle and Jim English*
Our Commitment
We take our obligations to our donors, nonprofit partners, scholarship seekers and the general public very seriously. We are committed to carefully managing our donors’ charitable funds so that our donors' vision of making a difference is realized by getting as many grant and scholarship dollars out there as possible and sustaining the funds in perpetuity, if that was the donor's intent. We operate in an open, transparent manner that welcomes scrutiny.
In short, we take great care.
- Our Investment Committee works closely with our investment manager at Boston Trust Walden to devise and implement investment strategies that preserve and grow our endowment. Read more about Our Investment Strategies
- Our Audit Committee works closely with our independent, outside auditors, CliftonLarsenAllen LLC, to conduct a yearly comprehensive audit that is reviewed by the entire Board of Trustees. Read more about Our Independent Auditors
- Our federal tax returns, audited financial statements and other related financial documents are posted here on our website, and are on file with the Connecticut State Attorney General. View our Financial Documents
- We operate in full compliance with the rigorous financial standards set by the nationally recognized Council on Foundations, assuring that we meet the highest philanthropic standards for financial integrity and accountability.
- We invite community members to verify our good standing by reviewing our profile and financial details on GuideStar.com, which gathers and disseminates information about every nonprofit registered with the IRS.
- We have an official record-retention policy that specifies our strict protocols for the retention and destruction of business records.
- We adhere to the Donor Bill of Rights
- Every member of our board, committee and staff is required to sign a conflict-of-interest statement and a confidentiality statement.
* Isabelle and Jim English both passed away in 2020.

If you would like more information about our finances or investments, contact Megan Brown, Vice President, at 860-442-3572 or email below.