
“I live each day grateful for the sacrifices that my parents have made for me and I am determined to help others by pursuing my dream of getting a nursing degree. Nursing aligns with the values that I have lived by my entire life: hard work, sacrifice and helping others. I am honored to have received the Anderson Scholarship, which will help ease the financial burden during my studies at the University of Connecticut.”
- Jonathan Garcia Vazquez, Willimantic, 2020 recipient of the Dr. James T. Anderson Scholarship

“I realized that in order to change things, for me as an individual, or in the world, I must stand up, speak out, and be an agent for change. I am majoring in photography so that I can bring awareness to the injustices that underserved communities suffer from around the world. During my time at Spelman College and beyond, I hope to honor the people for whom my scholarships are named.”
- Teala Avery, Norwich, 2020 recipient of the Danny Gilman Memorial Scholarship and the Thomas P. Quinn Memorial Scholarship

“My dream job is to become a journeyman welder and travel the country to work in various places. At Goodwin University, I am being trained in a wide range of areas, including basic blueprint reading and handson lab work. I am grateful for the Skip Thavenet Scholarship in helping me pursue my dreams.”
- Isaac Mason, Stonington, 2020 recipient of the Skip Thavenet Scholarship

“I plan to pursue a career in the healthcare field and I hope to be able to help underrepresented communities and empower them to learn more about their health. The financial assistance that this scholarship has provided will be of great help in paying my educational expenses and it will allow me to concentrate more of my time for studying.”
- Ailin Cuevas Gonzalez, Windham, 2019 recipient of the Bernard & Alice Chalecki Scholarship

“In the 13 years between my second and third years of college, I lived and worked all over the US and Europe. I learned that our world sits at a tipping point, and it was time to act for our future. I moved back to Connecticut to major in Environmental Earth Science and Sustainable Energy Studies at Eastern Connecticut State University. My career goal is to help implement renewable energy projects domestically and abroad.”
- Daniel Simpson, Eastford, 2019 recipient of the Esther & Lucie Harmon & Leta Sabin Trepal Scholarship

“I am a single mom and full-time student in the Rhode Island College School of Nursing. RICSON’s courses are preparing me to graduate with a baccalaureate degree and have the foundation for pursing a graduate degree. The Serafin Scholarship has reduced the financial burden and stress associated with work overload. I’m focused on my passion for all things nursing and am looking forward to beginning a new and rewarding career.”
- Lenka Horsakova, Pomfret, 2019 recipient of a Shirley Bradway Serafin Scholarship