We are committed to helping our nonprofit partners secure their financial futures so they can continue to better Eastern Connecticut.
Planned Gifts
We can provide you or your donors with strategic counsel and assistance on developing planned giving and major gifts.
Charitable Gift Annuities
We can issue Charitable Gift Annuities for donors who would like their gifts to eventually support your organization’s activities.
- We can walk donors through how Charitable Gift Annuities work, teach them how to calculate and report their charitable deduction for tax purposes, and supply them with an application form and a Charitable Gift Annuity contract.
- We will invest their gift, pay the annuity to them and set aside the remainder in a charitable fund at our foundation that has been designated for your organization – including, if desired, an NPO Endowment fund with us.
- Your donors can fund Charitable Gift Annuities with cash or marketable securities; we can assist them with making the transfer and issue an IRS gift-acknowledgment letter.
- We prepare and file all of the annual tax forms.
Charitable Trusts
We can consult with you and your donors on setting up Charitable Remainder Trusts and Charitable Lead Trusts.
- These trusts can be funded with any type of property that has value, including cash, marketable securities, real estate, personal property and closely held stock.
- We can assist your donors with making the actual financial transfer and issue an IRS gift-acknowledgment letter.
Other Major Gifts
We can also handle outright gifts of cash, marketable securities, real estate, personal property, closely held stock and other financial vehicles if the gift is designated for a charitable fund at our foundation that benefits your organization.
We would welcome the opportunity to work with you on planned-giving opportunities.
Our door is always open!
Feel free to contact us for a confidential conversation.

Contact Lauren C. Parda, Director of Development