The Community Foundation’s Commitment to Advancing Public Policy

To achieve our vision for a healthy, thriving and sustainable Eastern Connecticut with greater equity for residents, the Community Foundation advances policies to bring about lasting change to our systems. Foundation trustees and staff lead on strategic issues, bringing together the resources of donors and the expertise of our community organizations. Our work in public policy leverages the philanthropic dollars that have been entrusted to us to create lasting and systemic change in our communities to benefit all residents.

Affordable Housing

The Community Foundation is committed to supporting efforts to expand safe, inclusive and affordable housing in Eastern Connecticut. Affordable housing is the cornerstone of economic security and neighborhood stability.

Sampling of Our Work

Early Childhood Care & Education

The Community Foundation believes that the key to success in school and beyond begins with a high-quality pre-school and early care experience. A productive society relies on the availability of affordable childcare for working parents. We envision a comprehensive system that leads to improved outcomes for all children, families, communities and the workforce in Eastern Connecticut.

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Environment & Environmental Justice

Conservation of our natural resources is critical to climate resilience. The Community Foundation supports environmental education, conservation of land and water resources, as well as initiatives that increase and ensure access to a healthy environment for all people in Eastern Connecticut.

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Read more about our work around Environmental Education & Conservation

Advancing Women’s Rights

The Community Foundation’s 2017 Report on the Status of Women & Girls in Eastern Connecticut led to the development of the Foundation’s Public Policy Task Force to advance its findings. The Task Force led efforts to galvanize constituents around issues critical to the needs and rights of women in our region: economic security, domestic violence, women’s access to healthcare, and political leadership.

Sampling of Our Work

Learn more about our Women & Girls Funds

Health Equity & Access to Mental Health

The Community Foundation believes that equal access to quality health care is critical to health and well-being. We invest in programs that support all residents, especially those who are underserved.

Sampling of Our Work