Our Initiatives
The American Rescue Plan Act provides us with a historic moment to address inequities and build a thriving Eastern Connecticut. We are working with elected officials, school superintendents and nonprofit leaders to ensure that our recovery is transformative and equitable.

In the last year, we have reached out to experts – locally and nationally – to better understand the wisest and most strategic way to direct the funds coming to towns through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) to transform our communities into a thriving region. The guidance has been unequivocally clear.
Invest in:
- Early childhood care and education;
- Mental health and wellness;
- Affordable and safe housing.
These three intertwined policy and strategic investments would turn around our communities in measurable ways. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to lift-up our most vulnerable neighbors and open doors for all to excel and thrive. All our children should receive the best care so that they can attain their dreams. All adults should have the support they need to best contribute to their community. And, we pledge to you that we will do our very best to bring our community leaders together with experts so that we get it right.
The Community Foundation has embarked on a campaign. We have called upon all our municipal leaders and superintendents to invest “30% Plus” of the ARPA funds into these three areas. The entire recovery package is intended to fund equitable and transformative recovery. We have been working closely with our Councils of Governments who have endorsed our call to action. Many mayors have reached out to us stating their enthusiasm for this initiative. Together, we can do this.
So, we are asking that you join us in this call to action. Please reach out to your elected municipal leaders and superintendents and ask that they join our efforts. We are bringing experts to the table in conversations to help identify the next steps. We are all in this together. This is a rare moment in history which can dramatically change the trajectory of many lives for the better and tilt “the arc of the moral universe” closer to justice.
Along with municipalities, nonprofits and community partners, the Community Foundation has been advocating to encourage legislation that supports these investments. See below communications that have been submitted to our Municipalities in Eastern Connecticut, Governor Lamont and our Legislative Representatives.
Email to Municipalities in Eastern Connecticut: June 18, 2021
Council of Governments Letter Supporting ARPA 30%+ Initiative: June 24, 2021
Email to Municipalities in Eastern Connecticut: July 6, 2021
Letter to Governor Ned Lamont: February 2, 2022
Letter to Legislative Representatives and Congressional Delegates: February 17, 2022
Letter to Legislators for Early Childhood Education: April 14, 2022
Letter to Senators Blumenthal and Murphy for Build Back Better: April 21, 2022
Letter to Commissioner Manish Juthani, Connecticut Department of Public Health: July 29, 2022
Find out how to take action and provide testimony (verbal or written) in these three key areas:
Early Childhood Care and Education:
Mental Health and Wellness:
Affordable and Safe Housing: