Our Initiatives
We gratefully recognize the generosity of our funding partners and people near and far who have shown their love for their neighbors and community by giving to the Neighbors for Neighbors Fund.

List updated as of December 22, 2022
Angelo Agliardo
June Anderson
Judith & David Anderson
Anonymous (30)
Frances Ashley
Bertha Melgoza Baker & Richard Baker
Melanie Barba
Don & Sherry Bassi
Paula & Mark Bateman
Catherine Bates
Debbie & Tim Bates
Deb & Demian Battit
Ronald Benedict
Berkshire Bank Foundation
Anne & R. Kim Bingham
Jane Lassen-Bobruff & Neal Bobruff
Wayne Boettner
Cathy & Steven Bokoff
Karen & Gregory Boluch
Mary Fort Boyle
The Roxanne and Henry Brandt Foundation
Mark Briggs
Mary Broderick
Brown Brothers Harriman
Irene & Richard Brown
The Brownington Foundation
Judi & Roger Bunker
Marjorie & Eugene Buonanno
Kristin & John Burbank
Deborah & Robert Burnside
Nancy Gale Bush
Joan Butler
Lori Calobrisi
Barbara & Dennis Cambria (in kind)
Meghan Carden
Mona & Brian Carey
Amy & Daniel Carlin
Monica M. Carlin Memorial Fund
Patricia Carlin
Melinda Carlisle
Gregory Carnese
John Casey
Nancy & Joseph Celentano
Centreville Bank Charitable Foundation
Chelsea Groton Foundation
Camille Chwalek & Thomas Fitzpatrick
Carmen Cid
Ellen Calkins & Joseph Cipparone
Anne & Carl Clement
Maidie Cohen
Marion Cohen
Elaine Coletti
Kathryn & David Collins
Martha Conn
Kathleen & Paul Connolly
Betsy Conway & Robert Kudej
CorePlus Federal Credit Union
Barbara Zabel & G. Thomas Couser
Nancy Cowser
Lynne Kurt & Lawrence Cramer
Christine & William Crawford
Rebecca & Frederick Crosby
Janet & James Curley
Mary Dangremond
Don Frederick Daughton
Louise Davidson
Bruce Dean
Miranda DeKay
Mildred Devine
Christine & Arthur Dimock
Rudolph and John Dirks Fund
Elizabeth Binger & George Dowker
Glenn Dreyer
Leigh Duffy
Deborah Moshier-Dunn & Michael Dunn
Michael Eisenhard
Maryam Elahi
Elizabeth & Anthony Enders
Estate and Tax Planning Council of Eastern CT
Vivien Von Walstrom & Richard Farmer
Susan & Harry Ferguson
Emily Fisher & Evan Griswold
Dylan Flaherty
Eileen Flynn
Carol Foley Ambrosch
Starr & Nicholas Furlotte
Carol & Neal Ganz
Kerry & Eric Garofano
Jason Matthew Geddes
R.S. Gernon Trust Fund/Bank of America, N.A.
Naima Gherbi & Rob D'Agostino
Martha Gibson
Katharine & Richard Gildersleeve
Marcia & Todd Gipstein
Myra & Richard Gipstein
Goldblatt Bokoff LLC
Bernadette Golden
Lee-Ann Gomes
Susan Gonalez
Robin Franklin & Mark Gosink
Sharon Gould/Anna Pulito Skory Fund
William Caspar Graustein Memorial Fund
Alva Greenberg
Karin & Rodman Greene
Ellin Grenger
Valerie & Roy Grimm
Roger Gross
Brad Guarino
Maria & Edward Hargus
Leah Hartman
Shiela & Jon Hayes
The Per and Astrid Heidenreich Family Foundation
Hilbert & Shirley Hendel Foundation
Jean Hendren Ceddia
Katharine Herman
Susan Hermanson
Judith & Barrie Hesp
Margaret & Edwin Higgins
Thomas Hodgkinson
Beth Hogan & Conrad Siefert
Mary Sommer & Barry Hogenauer
Margaret & Jerry Holmberg
Elizabeth Hopkins
Carolyn Hosley
Rick Jacobsen
Pauline Jauch
Beatrice Jennette
Jean & Art Jerbert
John R. Johnson
Erika Ziebarth & Gregory Jones
Brian Kalman
Sarah Kelly
Suzanne & Chester Kitchings, Jr.
Lin & Waldo Klein
Kleinschmidt Fund/
Maine Community Foundation
Ann & Youssef Kouatly
Henry Krisch
Carol & P. Michael Lahan
Mary & John LaMattina
Kris & Brian Lambert
Susan Graham & Stephen Larcen
Robert LaVoie
Jessica LeClair
Kathryn Leindecker
Emily & Arthur Lerner
Julia & Carl Lindquist
Carol & Michael Little
Spike Lobdell
Edward and Mary Lord Foundation
Linda Loretz
Lynn & Paul Malerba
Steven Malley
Rory Contin & John Malmros
Mark Maloney
Linda Mariani & David Neusner
Carole Marks Scott
Grace & Robert Marrion
Joan Marshall
John E. & Elizabeth M. Martin Fund
Michelle Maitland & Joshua Martin
Catherine Masud
James McCauley
Randi McCray
Elizabeth Archer & Stafford McLean
Lisa & Morgan McGinley
Patricia McIlwain
Nancy & Thomas McLoughlin
Susan & Stanley McMillen
Carol & Craig Melin
Melville Charitable Trust
Mary Schwarz Merrill
Penelope Miller
Mary & Samuel Mirabito
Thomas Moretta
Avery & Robert Morgan
Kathleen Moriarty
Thomas Moriarty
Jessica Morrissey
Alden & James Murphy
Barbara Nagy & Mark Oefinger
Jacqui Hubbard & Norm Needleman
Penny Newbury
Richard Newton
Niantic Community Church Children's Center
Heidi & John Niblack
Nordson Corporation Foundation
Joan & John O'Brien
Jean Dixon & Robert O'Donoghue
Margaret & Daniel O'Shea
Oregon Community Foundation
Jeffrey P. Ossen Family Foundation
Bethany Palazzo
Frank Loomis Palmer Fund, Bank of America, N.A., Trustee
Donna Palumbo
Panoram Foundation
Lauren Parda
Carla & Ronald Pariser
Kathy & Ted Parker
Julia & John Parry
Lindsay & Jeffrey Paul
Phil Pavone
Shelly & R. Briggs Payer
Nancy & Bob Peavy
People's United Community Foundation
Helen Peterle
Evelyn and Larry Pontbriant
Power of Together 2
Maura & Mark Powers
Lee & John Pritchard
Alicia Pritt
Quality Printers/Brian Cole
Dyanne & John Rafal
Anne & Tony Rash
Betty Anne & Larry Reiter
Beatrice & Paul Reynolds
Trina & Thomas Reynolds
Margaret Richards
Faye & Michael Richardson
Angenette Robinson
Lori Robishaw
Karen Roccon
Sally Rogers
Sarah Rogovin & Mark Twiss
Harm Rollema
Karen & Aaron Rosenberg
PJ & Jon Ross
Sandra & William Rueb
Barbara Sahagan
Terry & Robert Samokar
Sankofa Education and Leadership
Marlene Santucci
Gail & Jim Sawyer
Gerald Sazama
Karen Stone & David Schulz
Jeremy Schwartz
Marcella & John Schweizer
Scripps Family Fund for Education and the Arts
Paul J. Sellier Charitable Fund
Anna & George Shaw
Marie & Arthur Shaw
Jane & Peter Shea
John Wilfred Sheehan
Marian Shilstone
Dana & Richard Sielman
Kenneth Sigel
Nancy & John Silander
Kimberly Silcox
Majbritt Sinay & Robert Cooper
Kevin Sisson
Terri Slater
Joan & Douglas Smith
Diane & Stephen Smith
Jane Solak
Janis Solomon
Margaret Soussloff
Joseph St. Martin
Andrew W. Stephens
Rosemary Stephenson
Patricia Storace
Eunice & John Sutphen
Christine Sylvester
Barbara Tavormina
Mona & Jeremy Teitelbaum
Lee & Tom Terry
The Day (in kind)
Stephanie & Barry Thorp
Marilyn & Raymond Thorpe
Barbara Timken
Kathy & Chris Tolsdorf
Alice Trakas
George Trumbull III
United Way of Southeastern CT
Sidney & Sandy Van Zandt
Robert & Rita Volkmann
Mary Waldron
Cecilia Walpole-Griffin
Rachna & Ramindra Walia
Barbara & John Washburn
Anne Wernau
Liz & Harold White
Preston Whiteway
Karin Whittemore & Peter Kepple
Cynthia & George Willauer
Graustein Memorial Fund
Carol Williams & Robert Asher
Cate Moffett & Christie Williams
Carolyn & Harry Williamson
Hilda Witt
Laurie & Jim Wolfley
Alison & Mark Woods
Catherine Young
Matthew Young
Martha & David Yutzey
Jill & Jon Zorn
Contact Us
Call us at 860-442-3572 or email us.