The Legacy Society honors those people who have included the Community Foundation in their estate plans. Through bequests, charitable trusts and gift annuities, retirement plans, or life insurance, they plan to make gifts to causes important to them after their lifetimes. We are deeply grateful to each and every member of the Legacy Society for the care and compassion they will put into action through their future gift.
Barbara Agosin
Mary Jean Agostini
Pam Akins & Barry Levinson
Claire & Anthony Alessi
Jay Allen
Judith & David* Anderson
Lauren E. Anderson
Lois & Glenn Andrews
Anonymous (12)
Spyros Barres
Debbie & Tim Bates
Laura Berry & Bernard Hulin
Francene & Daniel Blackmore
Siegmar R. Blamberg
Lynn Bloom
Wayne Boettner
Judith Bossey
Faith & Rheo Brouillard
Joan Butler
Laurel Butler & Christopher Daniels
Beth & Garon Camassar
Ronald Campo, Jr.
Maura Casey
Laurie Chipperfield*
Charles T. Clark
Anne & Carl Clement
Bettye R. Fletcher* & James Comer
Rosemary Contin & John Malmros
Cecile & Art* Costa
Nancy Costa
Mary Cuthbert
Kathleen & Richard Daniele
Anne B. Davis
Mildred Devine
David Dresback
Caroline Driscoll
Bethe & Marcel Dufresne
Maryam Elahi
Josephine & Fred Falkner
Alice Fitzpatrick
Michelle Fontaine-Calkins
Graham Gavert
Lois & Robert Geary
Katharine & Richard Gildersleeve
Charles Glassenberg
Janet & James F. Grant
Nancy & Andrew Grant
Lorraine Grey
Sandra & Stanton Hale
Nancy Heart
Kathleen & Kerry Hertenstein
Susan M. and Mark A. Hibbard
Nancy Hileman
Muriel Hinkle
Gerald Holland
Judith Hyde
Rosetta Jones
Carolyn & James Kilroy
Lynn & Waldo Klein
Henry Krisch
Mary & John LaMattina
Jane Lassen-Bobruff & Neal Bobruff
Jean & John Lenard
Denise & Steven* Lewis
Julia & Carl Lindquist
Kathryn Lord
Jill Wardman Lucas
Lisa Lyman
Nicole and Aaron McGarry
Lisa & Morgan McGinley
Jill & Richard Mehlman
Eva & Govind Menon
William J. Miller
Laura & Scott Moorehead
Avery & Robert* Morgan
Kathleen Moriarty
Terri & James Muren
Nelly Murstein
Arthur Nagel
Heidi & John Niblack
Patricia & Paul Nunes
Cynthia R. Palmer
Donna & William Pedace
Joann Sztyga Pillar
Mary & Richard Place
Barbara & David Preston
Lee & John Pritchard
Dyanne & John Rafal
Elizabeth Anne & Lawrence Reiter
Betty Richards
Barbara Sahagan
Carol & Edward Sauers
Ann Louise & Michael Shapiro
Elaine & Michael Shapiro
Jane & Peter Shea
Nissa Simon & J. Melvin Woody
Barbara & Bruce Skinner
Diane & Stephen Smith
Mary Soriano
Ellen & Daniel Spring
Donna & C. William Stamm
Anita Steendam & Harold Fink
June D. Strunk
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Sullivan
Lee Ellen & Tom Terry
Barbara Tuneski
Susan & Humphrey Tyler
Alix & Cornelius Van Rees
Sidney & Sandy Van Zandt
Mary Waldron
Caroline Walters
Walter C. Watson & Charles Sotir
Liz & Harry White
Nancy & G. W. Blunt White II
Karin Whittemore & Peter Kepple
Cynthia & George Willauer
Amy Willcox & Del Knight
Carol Williams & Robert Asher
Cathy Zall
* Deceased
The true meaning of life is to plant trees, under whose shade you do not expect to sit.
- Nelson Henderson

The Barbara G. Sahagan Legacy Fund
Barbara Sahagan created her fund at the Community Foundation to help women better their lives, take control of their lives, and be fully independent — for generations to come. She selected many of her favorite causes to receive grants from the fund after her lifetime. Barbara has entrusted the Community Foundation to grant more dollars locally, aligning with her wishes to protect human rights, preserve the environment, empower women and youth, and advance social justice.

Take the First Step
Become a member of a very special group of caring people connected to the Community Foundation. Contact Lauren C. Parda, Director of Development, at 860.442.3572.