Guest Speakers
Tim Clark is a landscape architect and the Resilient Southeastern Connecticut Program Director with The Nature Conservancy (TNC) in Connecticut. Tim joined The Nature Conservancy in January 2022 to lead a new initiative aimed at improving southeastern Connecticut’s resilience to climate change. Since joining TNC, he has worked with local partners to advance projects through design and implementation. He has also partnered with towns to secure federal grant funding for projects. He leads a staff of five conservationists, who work to give southeastern Connecticut the resources necessary to adapt to climate change.
Cierra Patrick is the Economic Development Manager at City of Groton. Cierra orchestrates the strategic planning, implementation, and investment for local improvements, infrastructure, community assets and amenities for the City. Cierra devises creative approaches to community engagement that encourage a variety of local entrepreneurs to collaborate. Cierra’s gift is her ability to engage diverse members of the City’s citizenry in developing and implementing plans/projects that support economic activity, stimulate local excitement, and enhance local quality of life.
Rahiem Eleazer is a proud member of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation (MPTN). Rahiem has worked in the environmental sector for five years, and currently serves as the Environmental Liaison for the MPTN. He focuses on environmental efforts within Mashantucket and networks with various external organizations, institutions, and local, state, and federal agencies to pursue mutual interests while protecting and promoting the Tribe’s sovereignty. Rahiem is primarily focused on ecological conservation and climate change resiliency while incorporating indigenous philosophy to environmental practices.