Scenario Planning: Tackling the “What Ifs?”

Workshop Goal: This session will be taking a deep dive into scenario planning, a structured process to help leaders name and prepare for what could happen, mitigate risk, and even spot opportunities created by potential external changes. Attendees will learn how to recognize and effectively respond to changes in shifts in policies, funding sources, and local conditions that their nonprofit organizations may face.
Learning Objectives: Attendees will learn about the principles and process of successful and effective scenario planning for challenges nonprofits often have to contend with. They will learn how more about tools and strategies for confidently and successfully tackling the “what ifs” that their organization may have to face in the future.
Register at
or call 860-447-1411 x105.
Anne Yurasek is the cofounder and Managing Principal of Fio Partners and has been an organizational development consultant and trainer for over twenty years in the private and nonprofit sector. She has worked with large nonprofits, such as community colleges, libraries, and philanthropic organizations, as well as cross-sector collaborators. She has an MBA in Management from Columbia University and a Bachelors Degree in Psychology from Wellesley College.
Please register online or call 860-447-1411 x 105