Documenting the unequal impact and the need for equitable solutions.

Released in January 2021, Essential Equity: Women, COVID-19 and Rebuilding CT documents the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on women and girls.

This report examines how women and girls – particularly women and girls of color – have experienced these inequities across the areas of physical and mental health, economic security, child care, housing, food security, and safety. It helps to set the stage for continued discussion and planning to come up with equitable solutions, particularly as Connecticut looks to emerge from the impact of the pandemic.

Women and girls' funds from Foundations across the state recognize the power and impact of data to decision-making at all levels. Essential Equity is funded collaboratively by the Aurora Women and Girls Foundation, Fairfield County’s Community Foundation’s Fund for Women & Girls, Community Fund for Women and Girls of the Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, the Northwest Connecticut Community Foundation in honor of their Women and Girls Fund, and the Women & Girls Funds of the Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut.

The Connecticut Collective for Women and Girls (CCWG), a statewide network for organizations serving women and girls is a primary audience for the report. The Connecticut Women’s Education and Legal Fund (CWEALF) is the organizer of the CCWG and a collaborator on Essential Equity.

The Connecticut Data Collaborative gathered and analyzed the data for Essential Equity with the goal of documenting the disproportionate impacts of COVID-19 on women across Connecticut.

Read Press Release

Essential Equity: Women, Covid-19 and Rebuilding CT

To learn more about how you can be part of the solutions, we invite you to view the report and attend this upcoming virtual session:

Briefing on "Essential Equity Data Report" to
Women’s Caucus of the CT Legislature

February 3rd
4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Register for February 3