Parks and Parking Lots:
A conversation about balancing economic growth and environmental preservation for vibrant communities
How much are parks and open spaces worth to our communities? What kinds of economic and community development would generate resources and support residents in an era of severe budget crises? How do our land, air and water affect public health and property value?The Community Foundation of Eastern Connecticut thinks it’s worth talking about.
Join us and add your voice to the conversation.
Thriving Communities Conversation on the Environment
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
4:00-5:30 pm
Connecticut Audubon Society
281 Day Road, Pomfret Center, CT
The Community Foundation invites all members of our community, including young people, to participate in a safe, civil discourse that encourages contrasting points of view, requires respectful listening and results in new understanding. The conversation will be followed by a brief reception for more informal discussion and networking.
Register by Friday, October 20 at or by calling 860.442.3572.
The Community Foundation will offer mini-grants of $500 to nonprofits and affiliated student groups who want to continue the conversation, in the hope that the knowledge gained and the bonds formed will energize us all and lead to great things for Eastern Connecticut and beyond.
For more information, contact Jennifer O’Brien at 860.442.3572 or
Read op-ed from The Day by Foundation President & CEO, Maryam Elahi.
Read article in the Hartford Courant