“When Scott and I began discussing the idea of a named fund under the umbrella of the Northeast Connecticut Women & Girls Fund, he smiled and said it would be like the projects we’ve done around our home — a combination of my creative energy and his sensible engineering. That brought a smile to my face, too. I thought of the new, exciting projects that nonprofits would be creating, using our fund, to improve the lives of women and girls in our area. At the same time, the idea of building a legacy investment that would allow us to transfer our current investments into a vehicle that would grow during our lifetime, provide decades of giving, and allow us to take advantage of the new tax laws by bundling our multi-year giving into a single, large contribution made perfect sense.
We hope that others are inspired to join us in investing in northeast Connecticut, an area that is so full of heart, creativity and energy — a place we are so proud to call ‘home.’” — Laura Moorehead